Emyrald goes deeper into her Vipassana experience! Within 3 episodes on the podcast, she’s sharing her exclusive training that was shared live in her Facebook group (which you can join below.)

Listen up and learn about:
The Path of Least resistance (which doesn’t mean it will always be easy)The Law of ImpermanenceWhere the mind lives and how to control it (so that you can control your reality)The importance of non-reaction in regards to manifestationWhy what you ‘resist, persists’ in your lifeFinding the beauty in challenges and strugglesAnd so much more!
Plus, Emyrald gives you TWO exercises that you can do to take this episode and make it REAL in your life!

Mentioned in the Episode:
Connect: https://emyraldsinclaire.com/connect/
The Path to Enlightenment: https://emyraldsinclaire.com/thepath/
Embodied: https://emyraldsinclaire.com/embodied/
Vipassana: https://www.dhamma.org/

Connect with Emyrald: