This week Devo teams up with SavannahXYZ to finally hold Google accountable for their deteriorating search functionality! Er...well, maybe they're just complaining about it, but that's good too, right? Meanwhile, Tom Cardy refuses to sell us any of his awesome merch, and we get locked in the closet with Sulu.

1. "The Current Sate of Search Engines" by SavannahXYZ
2. "Idonevenevenwannasellittyouanyway" by Tom Cardy
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Locked in a Closet with You" by Sulu

SavannahXYZ is on YouTube
Tom Cardy is also on YouTube
Sulu is active in the Dr. Demento official Facebook group

Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!