On this week's episode, Devo Spice plays some songs with some odd urges that can take over us humans, from wanting to turn your sexy time into art school, the loving of pups vs. the agony of the yips, and what the heck is it about fishing?
Patreon backers will get a bonus News of the Stupid later this evening too, so if you have the urge for hearing about more idiots, we'll scratch that itch too!
1. €œPaint That Lady€ by Tom Cardy
2. €œYappy Dog€ by Steve Goodie
3. News of the Stupid!
4. €œSpring Fishin€€ by Bananas at Large
Tom Cardy is at TomCardy.bandcamp.com
Steve Goodie is at SteveGoodie.com
and Bananas at Large are at BananasAtLarge.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!