It's season-time, ho ho ho! Time to do the headless-chicken impersonations this week as we all try to force ourselves to get ready for a day of gift giving and getting. It's too bad we can't spread this kind of thing out all year instead. Oh wait, those are called "birthdays". Regardless, we at Manic Mondays wish you a wonderful holiday and please be safe as you celebrate!
1. €œIt€s Christmas Time and I€m Crying on the Toilet€ by The Chipfits
2. €œWTF Is Christmas€ by Solar Opposites
3. News of the Stupid!
4. €œBaby, There's Covid Outside€ by Lisa Schettner and Tyler Brooker
The Chipfits are at
Solar Opposites is on Hulu
And Lisa Schettner is at
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!