Join Dr. Shelly Burns and her guest, Bonnie Wisener

Bonnie Wisener is a nutritionist and well-known digestive health
expert. She has helped hundreds of people worldwide get
to the bottom of their chronic digestive issues so they can live their lives without the discomfort, embarrassment, and
inconvenience of persistent symptoms like chronic constipation, gas, bloating, and heartburn.

In her clinical practice, she helps clients to discover a healthy
balance that is right for them. She believes in the power of food to
help optimize our health and improve the symptoms of disease
and illness by addressing the root cause. She helps clients by
developing sustainable, realistic nutrition and lifestyle plans based
on their individual needs.

Bonnie offers various complimentary education and support
You are invited to register for Bonnie’s free guided email series “5
Tips To Improve Digestion”.
You can register here:

Join her free and private facebook support group “Shift into
Healthy Habits for Digestive Health” by clicking here;

If you would like to learn more about the ‘Shift Your Gut Therapy
Method’ Bonnie’s signature online group digestive health
program, which combines a personalized approach to gut
health within an educational and supportive group
environment - schedule your complimentary 30 minute
discovery session here:

Follow Shift Nutrition and Wellness on Instagram for more tips,
recipes, and inspiration:


Follow Shelly Burns at:


30-Day Killer Kickstart Blueprint:




Download the Top 12 Perimenopause and Menopause Secrets Revealed