Scripture: 2 Timothy
Scripture to Remember: 2 Timothy 1.1-2

Every person needs a Paul; Every person needs a Timothy

1- Share or post online one truth that sparked life in your soul as we worshipped and then studied 2 Timothy 1.1-2.  There is so much that is good in this passage. So much that is remarkable. What is ONE thing that struck you?

2- Paul. Every word matters in Scripture. ‘Paul’ is the one word gospel testimony of God’s rescue, new life, transformation and Paul's life-altering pursuit of the desire to know more of Christ.  It’s beautiful to know and to express your one-word life-altering testimony of who Jesus is and what He has done. This is the wonder of the gospel.  Watch this video  After watching, take some time and write your own story of rescue and redemption. Try to make this no more than a 90 second story of Christ alive in you. Write of:
               * God’s Design (Colossians 1.16; Genesis 1.31a)
               * Brokenness (Romans 3.23; Romans 6.23; Isaiah 53.6)
               * Jesus Restoration (John 3.16; John 10.10; Revelation 21.5; 2 Corinthians 5.17-       
                                                  19; Ephesians 2.8-10)
               * Your Confession (Romans 10.9-10; I John 1.9)
               * New Life in Him (Ephesians 1.3-14; Galatians 2.20; Galatians 6.14)

These are beautiful scriptures and life changing joy to think about and write out. It’s worthy. Jesus changes lives and fills us with purpose. Writing your story of life-change is life-giving for you and could be soul-transforming for someone in your path in days ahead. Prepare. Worship. Share. 

3- Your Salutation…… a greeting of ‘hello’.  Paul’s salutation was a bit more than we offer today.  Pastor Mark had fun with this idea of bringing the salutation to life in a culture that barely says ‘hello’ in our texts, emails, DM’s and letters. Paul said ‘hello’ in this way:
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by God’s will, for the sake of the promise of life in Christ Jesus: To Timothy, my dearly loved son. Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.  - 2 Timothy 1.1-2
Just for a little joy, write your own ’salutation’, based on who you are in Christ. For additional fun, shoot this to a few friends and to Pastor Mark at 904-616-0412. He would love to read of your salutations!