Consuming Ambition (2)

Scripture: 2 Timothy 2.2; Matthew 28.18-20; Ephesians 3.17-20; Matthew 5.16;  2 Corinthians 5.14; I Thessalonians 2.8

Let our lights and our light so shine before others, so that they see your good works and they give glory to our Father in heaven. - Matthew 5.16

* The ultimate aim of our lives is to bring glory to God. We desire for others to see, in our lives, the glory of the gospel. Describe the aim of your life? How can I sharpen my aim to align with God’s? What does a life given for His glory look like practically and lived out daily?  Read this passage and ponder God’s design and His ultimate. Let our lights and our light so shine before others that they see our good works and they give glory to our Father in heaven. - Matthew 5.16

* What are your first thoughts and reactions to this statement?  C.S. Lewis wrote that 'our faith is not a moral code. It is a grace-laden mystery; it is not a philosophy of love, but a love affair; it is not keeping rules with a clenched fist, but receiving a gift with open hands.'   Pause.  Read Ephesians 3.17-20 and read the statement again. In light of this scripture, what do you learn about how to relate to God? How can you’ stretch’ higher and deeper; wider and further into the love of God in Christ? Talk about this with friends and family. 

* A loving God fosters a loving people.  What spaces is God inviting you to step into with the fullness of His love and His grace?  How can you 'fill them to the brim’ with the grace and gospel of Jesus.  Be passionate about these spaces. Be strategic. Be intentional. What is a first step that you might take to fill a space with His grace and His gospel?

Aim well. Think ‘Big' about God. Fill the world to the rim with His grace and goodness.