Previous Episode: Consuming Ambition [Week 3]
Next Episode: Behold [Week 2]

Behold (1)…. Christmas at Mandarin 2020

Jesus has put on flesh and He dwells among us and within those of us who believe. We BEHOLD His glory, the glory of the one and only Who is filled with grace and in truth. - John 1

Scripture: Micah 7.7; Galatians 4.4-5; Luke 2.9-14

But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord. - Micah 7.7 (NASB)

 * How is watching different from waiting?

 * What are the ways that you can posture your life as one who watches, with expectancy, for Jesus at work in and around you?

 * In what ways is your life and faith affected, knowing that God is at work even as you wait?  He is at work in the pain.. in the challenges… in the unknowns.. in the hard.. in the joy… in the wonder…in all things.

 * What will you begin today (and, maybe stop doing today) as you orient your life around watching for God at work and posturing to join with Him?

Micah lived in chaos and was surrounded by those who had little or no concern about the ways of God.  Yet, his life declaration was ‘As for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord.’  Will you pray that his tribe will increase and that you might become one of them?