Next Episode: The Work Begins

The answer to the question will always be no because there are endless new mountains to climb and paths to walk.

Creative Quest is inspiring my mind, Luke Cage: Season 2 opening my eyes and Post Traumatic thumping my ears.

Yesterday, my team of Wheaton students finished up their classroom time and next week we roll down to MassChallenge with a drive and purpose. They’ve come together and I hope I’ve prepared them appropriately.

Is the proof always in the pudding?

The days begin to get shorter today and as the sun sets and the moon rises I’m faced with the question of what am I doing.

I’m teaching and parenting. Living and loving.

All of it is soul satisfying and yet the urge to do more is always scratching at the edges looking for a loose thread to play with.

I watched in awe last week as the guys from Studio Fresh Boston took my photographs and incorporated them into beautiful pieces of art. I had hoped to be able to hang this one at home, but there were other plans for them. I’m ok with where they are headed. Knowing something I created is a piece of something that will be seen every day makes me smile.

The gates are open for me and yet I let the ugly doubt monsters roar in my ear when I know they are wrong and only there to challenge me to push past.

The idea book is overflowing. The creation bucket is suffering a drought.

Never expected Quest Love to be the human who would give me the kick I needed, but I’m thankful he did.

Let’s do this!

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