Emotions are impossible to perfectly put into words.

The only reason we are able to even begin to encapsulate and share with others is because the human brain has experienced similar things before and can fill in the blanks for us to understand.

This morning I felt the most pure form of joy that I’ve felt in a long time.

Jaz has never seen snow before and we woke up to a little over an inch this morning. It still falls as I type this.

She watched as Dylan cleaned off his car and when he threw a snowball at the window she was confused.

We went out and played. Just her and I so that I could see what she thought of it all.

Instantly I realized she isn’t as white as I thought. Seeing her against the pure white snow made her yellow spots stand out. Her natural color shining.

I flung snow in her face and she tried to eat it all.

The hound in her sniffed every inch of the yard in excitement.

Playing fetch with a snowball was something I loved doing with Roxie and Jaz played along. Hopping on top of the spot the natural ball disappeared and looking at me with a nose covered in snow seeking answers.

I laughed and giggled. My hands stung from the snow and my feet began to numb as my slippers soaked through.

Two years ago this week I lost one of my best friends and today a new one pushed down my sorrow with a wet kiss of my face.