This concept comes from Kate Murphy's excellent book "You're Not Listening: What You're Missing and Why It Matters". For many of us silence can be challenging, it is often considered a sign that something is wrong. What happens when we approach the quiet ones with curiosity?

1:30min Who are the quiet ones? Why might they be quiet?

3:00 Tim shares a story of a manager who was often quiet for an unexpected reason.

5:00 There is a big difference between choosing not to speak and not feeling able to speak. Managers should create an atmosphere where it is safe for people to contribute if they wish to.

6:00 Pilar shares some quotes from the book "You're not Listening" about the impact that silence can have on communication. And we dive into being silent with someone versus being silent to someone.

10:30 Understanding the person and their context can make all the difference in how we interpret and react to someone being quiet. Pilar and Tim share some instances where being curious about someone's communication lead to interesting insights.

18:45 People who have had bad prior experiences tend to use to the safest communication channels in future.

21:00 We explore some of the skilful and less skilful ways managers can help the quiet ones have a voice.


We are curious about you, dear listener? Do you give the quiet ones a voice? We'd love to hear from you.

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