Adam was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma in November 2016.  It was the second time cancer would impact his life.  But cancer would not stop him from living, from loving.  Nor would it diminish his faith.

Adam really disliked the home page photo for one reason: he hated being without his beloved mop of ginger!  But for us, it reveals why he inspires us:  Despite any uncertainty, knowing that he was loved gave him the strength to face whatever lay ahead.  His life wasn't about 'cancer' but about living, being grateful, sharing love, and being full of real joy!  And this became an example for anyone that knew and loved him.

Our motivation is simply our love of Adam, and there are two ways we would like you to understand Riding for Adam:


Riding for Adam.  Every time we ride, we carry Adam with us.  We remember his life, his humour, and the impact he made on so many people’s lives.  We wish he was with us.  Yet as we ride we can ‘hear’ him cheer us on…

Riding for Adam.  Adam is a Hebrew name, which is related to ‘red’ (appropriate, given his ginger hair).  But it also is a generic term for ‘humanity.’  So, when we ride for Adam, we ride for everybody because the benefits of research are universal.  We ride for those whose lives will be changed by cancer, for their families and loved ones.  And our Adam would approve, because he was ‘other’ minded.

We always ride with hope.  We hope for an end to cancer, for a day when cancer becomes an entry in history books.  And this hope is not wishful thinking, for scientists are blessed with an incredible intelligence and they are discovering ways to make that hope reality.  Hope is based on the trajectory of past discoveries, current developments, and future outcomes.  Or as we find in the Bible, and conflating hope with faith, ‘Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen’ (Hebrews 11.1).

Enjoy the photos.  They are but a small glimpse of his life.  And as you do, see how much he embraced life!