My guest is Man O Podcast veteran Joseph Wells. Joseph is a writer & podcaster focused on self-improvement, systems, and societal issues. He's also fast-becoming the McMahon to my Carson. Or more like the Kimmel to my Carolla.

Joseph recently interviewed Peter Boghossian, who is best known for his involvement in the Grievance studies affair. Boghossian and co-authors, James Linsdsay & Helen Pluckrose, attempted to demonstrate the lack of scholarship in much of academia by publishing a bogus study. But their plan backfired.

Since the study's authors claimed to have inspected 10,000 dog genitals to show the prevalence of doggy-rape in dog parks, Boghossian was ultimately fired for "fabricating data." Joseph & I discuss Boghossian's grievances and new book: How to Have Impossible Conversations.

Joseph also tests my intellectual humility. We share thoughts on liberals vs. conservatives, how to change someone's mind, and get into Jonathan Haidt's book: The Coddling of the American Mind.

As a thought exercise, I recommend reading Joseph Wells' recent essay on Compulsory National Service, then decide whether you agree/disagree. Let me know your conclusion and I'll send you a postcard.