My guest is one of the most interesting people I know. Steve Sloat was twice appointed Deputy US Marshal by President Ronald Reagan (and once by Jimmy Carter). He's also been a champion race car driver, gone undercover in a high-profile case and authored three fiction thrillers.

I wanted to get Steve on the podcast while reading his second book, The Children Whispered, last year—I featured the "page-turner" on in March 2019. But decided I wanted to interview him in person (I was out of the country most of last year).

In this episode, we discuss his primary responsibility as a sky marshall. I ask about the biggest scare he’s ever had in the air. He talks about which flights are likely to have air marshals on them, where they sit on the plane and what a civilian should do if they see a disturbance.

We also get into relationships, his writing process and US politics. When we stopped recording, Steve said, “You ask some really good questions.” I hope listeners agree.