Welcome to the Man On FPL Podcast where Darren and Thomas discuss all things fantasy football.

Average scores for an average podcast? Nah, the podcast is way better than our scores....At least we both sucked together this week!

Thomas sucked less than Darren though, as per usual....Darren is on a free hit for ChampMan, he thinks it looks special, watch it flop.

They also agree it would be better to sit on a cock and eat cake.....especially carrot cake, yummer yummer.

Intro & FPL/FPL Questions - 00:00 - 28:20

SkyFF/SkyFF Questions - 28:20 - 45:40

Gaffr/Gaffr Questions - 45:40 - 1:04:48

ChampMan/ChampMan Questions - 1:04:48 - 1:28:18

General Questions, Bawbag Q and Quiz  - 1:28:18 - 1:42:06