Rafa Conde has a message that not everyone is ready handle and on episode 141 of the Man of War podcast, Rafa talks about the growing societal epidemic that is the infestation of Weak-Minded-Men.

We all know them, we all see them. Hell, some of you may even be them, but that doesn't mean all hope is lost yet. The Warrior Minded Man WILL rise again as long as every one of us can fortify our minds and make the necessary changes in our lives to transcend this weakness around us.

Listen closely as Rafa explains exactly how we can begin to reform ourselves into Warrior-Minded individuals.

As always, listen at your own risk.

Check out our new Youtube Channel at: www.youtube.com/manofwar

If You are ready to make a change in your life and enter an elite brotherhood of warrior minded men go watch the powerful documentary and apply at: www.menofwarcrucible.com

For all show notes and podcast catalog along with more information on the Man of War Movement go to www.manofwar.live/mow/141