On episode 131 we dive into living a life that embodies the warrior spirit.

We welcome back highly decorated Navy SEAL Thom Shea. He is the CEO of Adamantine Alliance, author of Unbreakable: A Navy SEAL’s Way of Life and host of the Unbreakable Podcast. Shea has served twenty-three years with distinguished valor and has earned the Silver Star, Bronze Star for valor, and multiple commendation medals for valor.

This motivational conversation focuses on the warrior spirit. Shea embodies the warrior spirit at a level only a few men have attained. He uncovers what it means to be a warrior and how to develop the warrior’s spirit. A man with no one to love, cannot reach the pinnacle of attaining the warrior’s spirit no, matter how hard he tries. Listen to this conversation multiple times and unlock key insights that can be immediately implemented into your life. Shea credits his Spartan wife and kids for making him a stronger man and helping him stay on the warrior’s path.

As always absorb the knowledge we bring you and start implementing it into your life today.

If you are ready to make a change and start living a life of purpose, a life that embodies the warrior spirit...Go to www.menofwarcrucible.com

December 14-15 the most powerful event of the year is here! Go grab your pre-sale tickets at www.conclaveofwarriors.com

For all show notes go to www.manofwar.live