On episode 133 we clean house. We step out of the box a bit on this long format podcast and bring you a look at the realities of being a warrior in the business world and in the white house. We turn down the lights and hunker down away from the misinformation the media infuses into the minds of the weak.

This is not about whether you like our president or not. It is not about your political views or your pre conceived ideas. It is much more about getting an inside look at the relationship with the president through the eyes of a man that worked closely with him and his children for well over a decade.

Our special guest on this powerful episode is George Sorial. He is a former Executive Vice President and Counsel for the Trump Organization. George is a best selling author of the Real Deal My decade fighting battles and winning wars with Trump. He is a no BS warrior minded man who lives by en exemplary code.

George has been featured on practically every major network. His no-non sense approach and his energy for disseminating the truth surrounding our president is contagious.

We dive deep in this episode piercing the veil and uncovering many truths about what it was like to be part of the Trump organization. We also cover subjects such as leadership, mindset, respect, warrior spirit, the media our society and so much more.

As always listen at your own risk.

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For all show notes go to www.manofwar.live/mow/133