On this pumped episode we strip away the complicated methodologies of getting in great physical shape. As modern day warriors we need to be battle ready not just in mind but also in body.

Our special guest is Andy Sziraki. He is an internationally recognized elite level performance coach, entrepreneur and fitness influencer. Andy is known for his intoxicating fire ball of energy who keeps his tribe motivated day and day out. He does this not so much by talking but by leading from the front.

Andy believes in stripping away the unessentials and making getting in awesome physical condition a way of life.

Ahh, but it goes deeper than just the physical. This conversation takes us on a journey through various topics such as mindset, discipline, reality vs BS, supplementation, healthy habits, perseverance and the definition of a modern day warrior.

Hang on to your hats and get ready to take in a bunch of great content that will set you walking on the warrior's path.

As always listen at your own risk!