Are you aware of what’s driving your money behaviors? The reality is most of our money behaviors originate from deep within our subconscious, but they don’t have to be set in stone. In this episode, we interview Deborah Price, a pioneer in the field of behavioral money coaching, who explains how the key to addressing unwanted money habits is unlocking these subconscious beliefs. Deborah teaches us the eight different money types and their tendencies, as well as how our type, and our parents types, are impacting our marriage and relationships.

About the Guest: Deborah Price is the Founder and CEO of the Money Coaching Institute, which provides money coaching services and training to individuals, couples and families. A former financial advisor for over twenty years with firms such as Merrill Lynch, Mass Mutual, AIG and London Pacific Advisors,

 Deborah left the financial industry to pioneer the field of Behavioral Money Coaching in 2001. Coping with money issues, both practically and psychologically, continues to be a major life struggle for millions of people and yet, there is very little help available. As a result, people often manifest money patterns, beliefs and behaviors that can prevent them from experiencing their full financial potential. 

Deborah has developed a unique, step-by-step coaching program that helps clients move beyond barriers Show Notes Summary to their personal and financial success. As a result, client’s experience renewed hope, restored relationships, increased confidence, and enhanced personal and financial success. Through education and awareness, Deborah is committed to empowering others both personally and financially. She is the author of Money Therapy: Using the Eight Money Types to Create Wealth and Prosperity; Money Magic: Unleashing Your Potential for Wealth and Prosperity; and her latest book, The Heart of Money: A Couples Guide to Creating True Financial Intimacy. She is considered one of the foremost experts in her field and speaks and teaches globally. She has trained over five hundred Certified Money Coaches (CMC)® throughout the USA, Canada, Singapore, England, France, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, South Africa, and Jordan. Deborah Price is the Founder and CEO of the Money Coaching Institute, which provides money coaching services and training to individuals, couples and families.

Website [email protected] Money Type Quiz: 

About the Host: Janice has made an entire career out of talking about money and business. During her 10 years as a commercial banker, she focused on developing financial solutions for companies of all sizes. While the work was both challenging and rewarding, Janice knew she wanted something more. She found her purpose when she began mentoring female entrepreneurs in 2012. 

While working with her female clients, four themes kept repeating: 

Many women are uncomfortable with finance, both in their business and in their personal life.  Women want access to more women mentors and advisors.  Women start businesses because they feel the corporate world doesn’t fit their lifestyle. 

Few are motivated by purely financial reasons. From these themes Mamas and Money was born. Janice now uses her knowledge and experience to support mothers in the areas of money, career, & business. Janice has been a mother herself for 10 years. When her second child was just six months old, Janice, along with her two children and husband, boarded a plane and moved overseas. After five years of adventure in Asia, the family recently relocated to Tennessee. Janice credits her children with giving her the bravery needed for her international move and all of the crazy things she’s done since. Show Notes Summary Janice holds a Bachelors of Business Administration from Walsh College of Accountancy and MBA from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. She’s a lifelong learner and (not-so) secretly wishes she could go to school forever. When Janice isn’t talking to mothers about money, career and business, you’ll find her traveling with her family and searching for the best Japanese food in town. 

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