Struggling with feelings of never being enough? Having trouble accepting God's promises over your life?

I've been there!

Sweet sister, today I'm giving you a powerful Holy Spirit breathed affirmation to speak over your life that will begin to open your eyes to your true worth and identity as a daughter of the King.

The Prayer:
I am a daughter of the Most High King. I have all the riches of the kingdom available to me. I want for nothing. My Father sees to it that all of my needs are met. I don't need to be anxious about anything. Every area of my life is abundantly blessed by God- not because of what I can do but because of who I am; I am his beloved daughter. I know no lack, all I know is prosperity and abundance. I am peace, I am joy, I am love, I am faithfulness, I am patience, I am kindness, I am goodness, I am gentleness, I am self-control. As my Father is, I AM, also. 

Let's do it!

Music by Yvette Raautenbach

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