Ann Garcia is a mom of twins who are attending their top-choice colleges because they were able to get scholarship packages and made choices that best fit their family’s budget. 

Ann is also a CFP® and owner of Independent Progressive Advisors, a fee-only Registered Investment Advisor in Portland OR, author of The College Financial Lady blog  ( Her blog has approximately 15,000 subscribers in various media (blog, Facebook) and she is regularly cited in national media (New York Times, US News & World Report) on the subject of college planning.

In her work she realized that parents were asking the same questions and having the same concerns about college. She was also researching the answers for her own family. She took her knowledge and started writing down answers in blog format, and The College Financial Lady was born.

Ann’s goal is to share her knowledge on the topic with as many people as possible. She is also striving to help parents plan and finance affordable college educations for their children.

Today’s episode includes a discussion of the following topics:

College finances with expert Ann Garcia.

Affording college and retirement savings. 

College planning and financial aid options for families.

Balancing letting your child pursue their passions with keeping them on track for college

Role that AP and IB classes play in admissions and scholarships

College pathways and financial aid options.

The importance of academic fit for students.

College preparation and scholarships.

College financial aid and scholarships.

Financial planning, college, and career options.

Episode Notes and Resources:

Ann Garcia’s Website:

Ann’s Book:

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