Navigating the healthcare system can feel overwhelming. Where to turn and who to trust are common questions that come up for parents.

Bonnie Hui-Callahan is a pharmacist and mother of 4. Her pharmacist experience ranges from retail pharmacy, managed care, pharmacy education, and health tech where she currently works. In 2021, she co-founded The Clinician-Leader, a digital course and coaching business aimed at empowering clinicians to tap into their leadership potential.

Outside of her 9-5, Bonnie coaches pharmacists in resume writing, networking, interviewing, and negotiating. She resides in Orange County, CA, with her husband of 13

years, her 3 sons and 1 daughter, ages 3-9.

In part 1 of our conversation with Bonnie we explore ways to make healthy habits stick, top tips for protecting our kids’ health, exploring the CDC’s vaccination schedule, and we discuss why Hepatitis B is something you may be hearing about at the doctor’s office and what you can do to protect yourself and your family.

Our discussion today included:

The struggle of morning-time and car seat battles 

Bonnie’s top tips for protecting our kids’ health

Ways to make healthy habits stick

How to find trustworthy resources when it comes to health advice and medical information

Exploring the CDC updated Vaccination schedule

Why Hepatitis B is something you will be hearing about at the doctor’s office and what you can do to protect yourself

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