We had the pleasure of sitting down with Jess Myhre, co-host of Only You: A One and Done podcast. Together with her husband Pierce, Jess works hard to try to bring humor, understanding and a deep well of empathy to the topic of being one and done. Jess shares a lot about her journey and how they made the decision to be one and done, she attacks the stigma of raising an only child and explores how solid parenting is the best way to ensure a happy childhood for our kids.

This is such an important episode for everyone to listen to with so many valuable insights, but is an especially important episode if you are considering being a one and done family, or have a one and done family in your life.​


How motherhood fundamentally changes you as a person
How things like traumatic birth experiences, postpartum anxiety/ depression, PTSD can play a role in the decision to be one and done
The growing prevalence of one and done families, and how woefully under-discussed the topic is
Typical stigmas only children face
The importance of self-approval and letting go of others opinions
The wide variety of reasons for parents to decide to have just one child
Siblings don’t make a child less lonely, and other myths of only children
How to handle judgements and comments from others about family decisions
The importance of leaving room to change your mind
Parenthood and the effect on marriages
So much of parenting is re-parenting yourself

Jess is reading: Bringing Up Bébé

Jess is watching: Gilmore Girls

Jess is listening to: The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael

HER Health Collective


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