As a busy mama and owner of not one but two beauty businesses, there are no days off.  My guest Rachel, of Organic Bronzing Studio & Fairy Bronze Mother,  a  busy toddler mom describes this first hand.  Typically the only down time is when the baby is sleeping.  The struggles and exhaustion experienced as a BOSS and as a MOM, especially of a toddler boy,  is something no one can really prepare you for.  Rachel discusses with me how being a mom has made it so much easier for her to have boundaries and non-negotiable.  As a previous work-a-holic, she now knows now that her priorities are with her family.  Lastly, we discussed the thing that she wish she would've been told being a mama running a beauty business and it's something you probably wish YOU"D been told too!



Show Info:


Organic Bronzing Studio
Fairy Bronze Mother

D'ann @tanspirehouston
Mary Ness