Having been deemed worthy by the Dragon Guardian of the Crystalline Isle, our heroes make their way towards the Azure tower for an audience with the mages that reside there. Will there be more tests to face? Will the mages believe our heroes aren’t responsible for the death of Artemesia? Hit play to find out...

Check out the Sky Zephyrs Kickstarter from Homie and The Dude


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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY8jhoJJNAxbNrZcHn9l43g

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Discord: https://discord.gg/hj75J9sreJ

Check out the tools that we use in our games:

Music & SFX: www.battlebards.com

Music & Ambience: www.tabletopaudio.com

Character Tokens: https://www.heroforge.com

Virtual Tabletop: https://owlbear.rodeo

Mapping: https://inkarnate.com

Dungeon Creation: Dungeon Alchemist (Beta)