The madman was virtually invisible and digitally unknown. A deranged individual with no apparent motive, a heart of stone, and a brain that was corrupt and corroded at the core. There is a special place in hell with eternal and massive suffering where Stephen Paddock will join the likes of previous twisted and satanic lunatics.

The human suffering and carnage is unthinkable. The pain and uncontrollable desire to be united with lost family members. Lives that were cut short in the blink of an eye. A scene that was all to surreal. This madman terrorist opened fire with a steady stream of bullets on an outdoor festival that turned laughter and love into our worst nightmare. The deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

Yet none of this truly defined that moment. This moment in time is defined by real heroes. People helping people. Strangers who became instant friends. People unknown, but placed there by the hand of God - to help thy fellow man. The President summed it up beautifully "When the worst of humanity strikes, the best of humanity responds."

There are many many unanswered questions. Was this just a matter of time? Did Las Vegas see this coming? Do experts think GUN CONTROL will change some of these outcomes? What could a possible motive be? What type of people commit these type of mass shooting crimes? Does the media coverage help or hurt a tragedy such as this? After 9/11, airport safety changed dramatically - will hotel security change after this tragedy?

I have turned to three incredibly talented experts for answers.

Lt Randy Sutton is a 34 year Law Enforcement veteran. He is Host of Blue Lives Radio on America Out Loud and provides expert analysis on tv and radio network's nationally. Lt Sutton lives in Las Vegas and is retired from the Las Vegas Police department. 
Dr. Ron Martinelli is a forensic criminologist and retired police detective with the San Jose (CA) Police Department. He is also a columnist on America Out Loud. He is the author of the book, “The Truth Behind the Black Lives Matter Movement and the War on Police”.
DrBev Beverly Jackson is a Psychotherapist, She specializes in Trauma, PTSD and Veterans PTSD programs, and the Founder of DrBev Mental Health Counseling. She is host of the show Emotions R Us on America Out Loud.

The madman was virtually invisible and digitally unknown. A deranged individual with no apparent motive, a heart of stone, and a brain that was corrupt and corroded at the core. There is a special place in hell with eternal and massive suffering where Stephen Paddock will join the likes of previous twisted and satanic lunatics.

The human suffering and carnage is unthinkable. The pain and uncontrollable desire to be united with lost family members. Lives that were cut short in the blink of an eye. A scene that was all to surreal. This madman terrorist opened fire with a steady stream of bullets on an outdoor festival that turned laughter and love into our worst nightmare. The deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

Yet none of this truly defined that moment. This moment in time is defined by real heroes. People helping people. Strangers who became instant friends. People unknown, but placed there by the hand of God – to help thy fellow man. The President summed it up beautifully “When the worst of humanity strikes, the best of humanity responds.”

There are many many unanswered questions. Was this just a matter of time? Did Las Vegas see this coming? Do experts think GUN CONTROL will change some of these outcomes? What could a possible motive be? What type of people commit these type of mass shooting crimes? Does the media coverage help or hurt a tragedy such as this? After 9/11, airport safety changed dramatically – will hotel security change after this tragedy?

I have turned to three incredibly talented experts for answers.

Lt Randy Sutton is a 34 year Law Enforcement veteran. He is Host of Blue Lives Radio on America Out Loud and provides expert analysis on tv and radio network's nationally. Lt Sutton lives in Las Vegas and is retired from the Las Vegas Police department. 

Dr. Ron Martinelli is a forensic criminologist and retired police detective with the San Jose (CA) Police Department. He is also a columnist on America Out Loud. He is the author of the book, “The Truth Behind the Black Lives Matter Movement and the War on Police”.

DrBev Beverly Jackson is a Psychotherapist, She specializes in Trauma, PTSD and Veterans PTSD programs, and the Founder of DrBev Mental Health Counseling. She is host of the show Emotions R Us on America Out Loud.