Previous Episode: Tommy Breeze (Tommy Breeze)

Celine Underwood has dedicated much of her life to the pursuit of the perfect loaf of bread. She started baking during a tumultuous time and later founded Brickmaiden Breads in Point Reyes, CA. The Bay Area is known for sourdough bread, and in this competitive market, Brickmaiden stands out as an iconic bakery where the most common review is, “best sourdough I’ve ever had,” even when at their peak they’re making 500 loaves a day.

The final episode of our first season brings you into the world of bread baking (what goes into the perfect loaf?) and gives you a behind-the-scenes view into the day to day of running a food business (ready for 2 am training?)

As we celebrate Brickmaiden's 21st anniversary, Celine opens up about her decision to sell the business. We explore what led her to this transition point, and go back in time, to the early days, to the story of how it all began, what has kept her going, and what it’s all meant.