Nelson originating indie-rock band, Steezy’s Touch is thrilled to announce the release of the first single of their upcoming EP for 2024 ‘Lemoncake’.

Front man Tom Mitchener stated “Lemoncake is without a doubt our biggest song yet, it’s been in the works for a while now and we’re unbelievably stoked to be able to release it”

Lemoncake is the band’s first release for 2024 and they are in high hopes for the year to come in terms of releases and shows as they spent the majority of 2023 in between shows, recording and finalising the release of their 2nd EP set to release in April and their 3rd EP in November.

Steezy’s Touch is a 6 piece indie-rock band originating out of Nelson, New Zealand and have as of the past couple years moved to Auckland and Wellington, with members currently residing in all three locations.