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Pretty Stooked stamp their name on the NZ indie pop-rock card with their debut release, 'My Line'.

This week's Making Tracks feature embodies the over-reflective person, taking us down the rabbit hole of insecurity. Frontman Eddie Kiesanowski says the words we’ve all felt - "I’d wake up in the middle of the night and randomly start thinking about moments of my life and end up keeping myself awake for hours. It would be the weirdest stuff too, that I hadn’t thought about in years and I’d get myself all down and then have a hard time explaining why I’m in a mood." Eddie tries to make a fun loving environment with 'My Line' to counter those down moments, helping his listeners move forward and not over indulge in worry.

Sonically, the song went through a journey of its own, aside from Eddie’s geographical instability - jumping back to Christchurch from Melbourne due to COVID. It started with a hiss and a roar, naturally developing an early 2010s - Kings of Leon-esque guise - in the 30 or so minutes it took to draft. But that wasn’t sitting with the essence of Pretty Stooked, so Eddie revisited the track. With inspirational tunes in his ears from Spacey Jane and Julia Jacklin along with the help of co-producers Josh Logan and Thomas Isbister, Eddie walked away from the studio with a mixed bag of fruity indie rocks.

Is there more from Pretty Stooked in the near future? You betcha! This is but the first single on a path towards an EP - expected to be incrementally released over the next 12 months.