Scott Colby continues to evolve as an entrepreneur. He went from a brick & mortar business to an online model, plus has created several passion projects along the way. Scott and I really dive into his journey on how he was able to see the growth and freedom that he wanted through his businesses. Scott talks about why he loves telesummits to build his list, how entrepreneurs like himself just have a thirst for freedom, and why practicing gratitude is so important.


Key Insights & Aha Moments:

*Follow up with your potential clients, existing clients, and past clients!

*Who is Scott? He loves the outdoors and started his business in 2007.

*Running your business gives you so much flexibility.

*Not only is Scott a fitness coach, but Scott also takes clients on adventure trips too!

*Was Scott always an entrepreneur?

*Scott took his business from one-on-one to one-to-many.

*One-on-one coaching is great, but group coaching can be an effective way to teach multiple people within the same timeslot.

*Scott likes audio-only telesummits/podcasts because it has a more intimate experience. There are also less things that can go wrong, technology wise.

*You can build your list in many ways, but Scott just loves a virtual summit.

*What is, ‘Say It With Gratitude,’ about?

*After attending a conference, Scott wanted to put together some sort of fitness adventure when he moved to Colorado.


Maven Moment:

Scott has a lot of similar values that I do, and one of the things he talked about was building a business that fits your lifestyle. As entrepreneurs, we created our businesses to become more free, but a lot of the times, we end up stressed out and overwhelmed, instead! Scott’s message of starting with the end goal in mind really resonates with me, because if we don’t set those clear intentions in the beginning, we definitely can get so, so lost in our entrepreneurial journey.


Mentioned in This Episode:

Maven Inner Circle

Making The Maven Community on Facebook


Connect with Scott
