I’m really, really interested in helping those of you who are just getting started in your wellness business. So for this week’s Maven Mini, I have a big opinion on what areas you need to be focused on. Let’s be honest, for many of you, you’re just focused on the wrong things!

I know, you don’t know what you don’t know. I know you’re probably focused on trying to get your blog or website up, and all the other shiny and distracting objects! So, where do you need to invest your time and money, when you’re first getting started in your business? The most important thing you need to focus on is how you’re going to make money.

For example, if you’ve already made huge investments and don’t have any clients in the door, then you’ve probably made the wrong investments. The time and money that you spend has to be super purposeful and clear, and it has to have the end goal of your generating an income and cashflow for your business.

Now, when a big investment opportunity appears and you know it’s going to help you make money, yet you have concerns about going forward. Guess what, that’s fear striking you! You perhaps don’t feel confident in yourself that you can really make money off of this business. It’s okay to have these feelings as long as you recognize them. However, at the same time, don’t let your fear hold you up from the success you’re striving for.

So, I want you to think about this. Would you rather spend your day surfing the internet and reading what those gurus are saying about what you should do with your business, or would you rather get a client in your door TODAY? I’m driving the point home here. Stop focusing on the wrong things, the shiny objects, and focus on the things that will help you make money!