Gloria Mayfield Banks is ranked the Number 1 Elite National Sales Director for Mary Kay Cosmetics and annually leads her international sales team to multimillion-dollar success. She is a motivational speaker, success strategist, and sales trainer. Her interview today will blow you away! Gloria is just beaming with energy and on today’s show, she discusses how you can pursue your dreams WITH the support of your friends and family and not feel so alone when doubt starts to sink in.


Key Insights & Aha Moments:

*Gloria found out she was dyslexic in 7th grade and really struggled with reading.

*How does Gloria have so much energy and passion in her life?

*When did Gloria decide to be unapologetic and a go-getter for her life and career, despite all the naysayers?

*One of the benefits of being in network marketing is that you are surrounded by powerful, inspiring, and positive people … that believe in you!

*The biggest struggle for women entrepreneurs is that they’re alone.

*The angel of success is right around the corner.

*It’s hard for women to convince their families why they’re going into business for themselves; because of this, they lose out on their dreams.

*You can get buy-in from your family by setting tangible deadlines that they can understand.

*The definition of success for most people is progress.

*When you feel alone, that can turn into serious doubt and that can lead to a very cloudy vision.

*Confidence needs to be reestablished as you grow.

*You can’t sell somebody else your dream.


Mentioned in This Episode:

“5 Steps to a Waitlist Wellness Practice” — Freebie!

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