Nicole Barsic has been working her butt off with her new health business. She and I sit down to talk about how she can approach new clients and prospects without it being weird or awkward. In this coaching call, I offer some tips on how she can feel more comfortable in front of someone at a networking event or even in a group setting. It’s okay if you don’t click with everyone, but there are still ways you can build a relationship without being a weirdo! 


Key Insights & Aha Moments: 

*Want to know how to launch and grow your wellness business? Join the Facebook community! 

*Where is Nicole currently stuck in her business? 

*What was Nicole doing before she became a health coach? 

*Nicole started taking her business seriously in March of this year. 

*It’s difficult getting things done with a new daughter in the mix. 

*Nicole desperately needs a structure or some sort of outline for her business. 

*How can Nicole make a true connection with potential clients or even just build more meaningful relationships? 

*If you simply don’t ‘click’ with a fellow business person, then don’t try and force the relationship. 

*Nicole recently scheduled a coffee meeting with a potential client. What’s the best ‘non-awkward’ way to pay for the coffee (since she invited) without it being weird? 

*Are you struggling with what to say to a potential client and how to say it? Here’s my take on why you are. 


Mentioned in This Episode: 

Maven Inner Circle 

Maven Facebook Group 




“Keep it easy and simple. Make a true connection with this person. You don’t know anything about them.” 


“What’s really going on is you’re not confident in what you’re saying because you’re not sure how to say it.” 


“Once you have support about what to say and how to say it, you feel more confident about putting yourself out there.” 

Nicole Barsic has been working her butt off with her new health business. She and I sit down to talk about how she can approach new clients and prospects without it being weird or awkward. In this coaching call, I offer some tips on how she can feel more comfortable in front of someone at a networking event or even in a group setting. It’s okay if you don’t click with everyone, but there are still ways you can build a relationship without being a weirdo! 


Key Insights & Aha Moments: 

*Want to know how to launch and grow your wellness business? Join the Facebook community! 

*Where is Nicole currently stuck in her business? 

*What was Nicole doing before she became a health coach? 

*Nicole started taking her business seriously in March of this year. 

*It’s difficult getting things done with a new daughter in the mix. 

*Nicole desperately needs a structure or some sort of outline for her business. 

*How can Nicole make a true connection with potential clients or even just build more meaningful relationships? 

*If you simply don’t ‘click’ with a fellow business person, then don’t try and force the relationship. 

*Nicole recently scheduled a coffee meeting with a potential client. What’s the best ‘non-awkward’ way to pay for the coffee (since she invited) without it being weird? 

*Are you struggling with what to say to a potential client and how to say it? Here’s my take on why you are. 


Mentioned in This Episode: 

Maven Inner Circle 

Maven Facebook Group 




“Keep it easy and simple. Make a true connection with this person. You don’t know anything about them.” 


“What’s really going on is you’re not confident in what you’re saying because you’re not sure how to say it.” 


“Once you have support about what to say and how to say it, you feel more confident about putting yourself out there.”