This is the last Maven Mini of 2016! Just a heads up! But don’t you worry, these podcasts will be back January the 2nd.

Today, I want to answer a question that came from some of my clients and members of the Maven Inner Circle. The timing to this question is perfect. When you’re going through the ups and downs of business, what is my go-to method to self-care? This is a bit of a loaded question because it can be answered in so many different ways.

First, balance doesn’t exist. I know, I know, but I always talk about having different ‘buckets’ or bank accounts in life. There really is no such thing as finding a perfect balance. Some buckets are fuller than others based on the things you’re currently going through. I try to personally draw from all buckets at the same time, but that doesn’t always work out perfectly!

So, what is the self-care when going through really trying times? Let’s be honest, I don’t know if I have it all figured out, but I’m getting better. So after making a couple of mistakes, here’s what I can tell you. Focus on process and procedures. I know it’s not sexy, but when you have these in place, wow, life does get easier!

Because of these processes, I am able to take time off! Which means — when I need that much needed recovery time, I can do that without freaking out! I encourage everyone to implement some sort of process into their business, so you can focus on what you do best AND take time off!