Today I want to emphasise the importance of following up and relationship building. As many of you guys know, you can’t have a business without relationships! People have to know, like, and trust you, before they do business with you. So many of you are making an effort only one time, or two times, but that’s not enough.

How many of you are actually investing in, and building, your relationships? Send me an email because I would love to know!

I’m going to go ahead and guess that you’re probably only investing in this aspect of your business less than 1% of the time. But -- I have some really powerful examples to share with you today, to hopefully open your eyes on how important this stuff really is! I’m not going to lay down the usual 1-2-3 tips for you, because it takes more than 1-2-3 to build a relationship.

If you’re interested in my examples, then you’ll have to tune in to really get a 360 view of what you need to do, in order to get a head start, and build those meaningful relationships! You won't regret it. My relationship building tactics have really paid off, and continue to pay off months -- years -- after I’ve made the initial connection. I hope these examples inspire you to take action, and start building your business tenfold.