Michelle Grasek is a certified acupuncturist who started her business two and a half years ago. She teaches fellow acupuncturists online how to become good at marketing, so they can get clients, help more people, and get paid what they’re worth! Michelle shares a very important tip that she wished she knew before she even started her website. Here’s a hint: Always check whether you can legally use your business name before creating one!


Key Insights & Aha Moments:

*I’ve relaunched my free Facebook community!

*Two Michelles are coming to you today!

*Who is Michelle? She’s an acupuncturist who has her own online business.

*Why is Michelle changing her name? She didn’t check whether her website name could be used for business purposes.

*Michelle started her business 2.5 years ago and it’s grown to something so big since then!

*What kind of feedback is Michelle getting from her community?

*Why is marketing so hard?

*We often feel so insecure becoming the ‘expert,’ despite spending so much money to go ahead and be one!

*Set up your business first, and then become an acupuncturist.

*How does Michelle help acupuncturists get clients?

*You can be available to your community, but you still have to build deep relationships and connections if you want to get anywhere.

*A lot of people don’t want to spend or invest money into their business. How does Michelle handle clients who have a bad money mindset?

*If it doesn’t cost you money, it’s going to cost you time.

*Confidence — the piece is huge to creating a successful marketing plan/advert, and so many of us struggle with it, especially when we’re so brand new.

*Michelle has a freebie for us today!


Maven Moment:

Before we wrap up, I just want to nudge you to think a little bit more about what you’re focusing on, vs. what you should be focusing on. I know so many people are focusing on the wrong things! They spend way too much time invested in their logos and graphics, and not enough time actually getting out there and getting clients. Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to focus on that, but at the end of the day you don’t have a business if you’re not making money!


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