Dr. Kelley Hunter is a longtime Depth Astrologer and Mythologist. Studies in psychology, cosmology, spirituality, and holistic consciousness, and over 1001 stargazing nights enrich her teachings and personal consultation work. She considers astrology to be a language of the soul that illumines our paths through life and connects us to the greater cosmic forces. Author of two books on LILITH, she also enjoys the creative arts, which led to her recent publication, Planetary Gods & Goddesses Coloring Book (for ages 7-adult). An international lecturer, she has served on the Board of the International Society of Astrological Research and writes for various professional journals. With a special interest in the Divine Feminine, she is also member of the Goddess Scholars Network.


Key Insights & Aha Moments

* Why does Kelley call her work Depth Astrology?

* What is astrology and what can it do for you and your business?

* She picked this date specifically for our podcast because it was the first day Mercury was turning forward instead of backwards!

* Those who know a little about astrology know about the Mercury retrograde. Happens for 3 weeks every 3-4 months.

* Mercury Retrograde can mess with business operations, so it’s important to know how this is fitting into everything!

* Launches during Mercury Retrograde? Not so much!

* Astrology is an observational and technological science that goes way back in all cultures. Not just a “cookie cutter” 12 sign astrology that you can look at in the newspaper for your sign

* How does the sky move and what happens in relationships within those seasonal cycles?

* Learned how to do the math early on how astrology worked, started doing individual’s charts and could start to see how relationships were moving according to people’s charts

* You are more than your Sun sign. Your birth chart is a map of the planetary patterns, the cosmic dance, when you were born — A LIFE MAP and LIVING MAP

* Astrology is an intuitive science. We have the science of astronomy data, but how to interpret it is the art. It’s like learning a language.

* Not all astrologers are good at communicating this to people. You need good counseling and listening skills, which is how Kelley learned

* Discussion on LILITH and how it has been a part of her life and business

* Suspicious on how powerful women can get negative reputations

* How can this be used in a greater way in your business?

* Know what your strengths are and what planets will guide you to your successes in life. What is the career area in your chart all about?

* Opening a new business between the new moon and full moon, energy is growing

* Also need to look at the chart of the business, not just of your career

* Where is the spot on our charts where we can find money, satisfaction and happiness in life?

* Talks about how much things have changed in this business and in astrology since she started in the 60’s and 70’s

* Developed specialties and is known for her publications on LILITH. Not much is written in English on that topic in astrology

* Make sure to check out her services, email list and webinars available on her website for more information on how to learn more


Maven Moment:

Something I want to encourage you to think about… you’re a business owner! No matter where you are when you’re going about your day and you always have an opportunity to share your message, results and outcomes for your clients. When you do that, there is a lot of opportunities you can uncover throughout your day.


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books on Amazon 

BOOKS - two books on Lilith (who is she?) and Planetary Gods & Goddesses Coloring Book