The big 100 is here! A break was much needed over the summer but I admit, I missed you! And
you are in for a treat…I’m going back to the beginning and laying out my story. Where I came
from, the journey to get here, and my big vision for you and me and our industry.
Here’s what’s I want you to takeaway from our convo today: confidence and leadership are
required in your wellness business. As you grow in confidence, as you grow in leadership in
your wellness business…it elevates us all. Allowing the industry to get to new heights.
Before we dive in…
Check out my new workshop at
It’s a perfect fit for you if:
You are struggling with charging a premium price for your service
Wondering what to charge for your service
Need support in how to handle discounting with family and friends
Desire to create a clear strategy to meet your income goal
Key Aha Moments & Takeaways
• I suffered from childhood with migraine headaches
• My first year in college my mom was sick with potentially the big C word
• My health began to decline due to emotional stress during this time
• I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in college
• The treatment plan was to “grow out of it”
• I decided to take matters in to my own hands
• My flute teacher was a huge influence in helping me to take the lead in my own health care
• I cleaned up my diet, went cold turkey off all medications and cut back my schedule and
eventually I healed myself
• My passion to ensure others did not have to suffer as I did was ignited
• I was unsure if I had chosen the right path after college, thinking maybe I should have went in
to health care
• The interest never left me and I decided to take massage therapy classes as a hobby
• After being laid off from my Corporate job, I worked as a CMT but realized quickly it was not a
• So I spent another 10 years in Corporate
• I was miserable, I was not happy with my “stable job” making “good money” and I felt like I
was being held back
• So I left my job in 2008 after finishing an MBA program and went back to school to become an
• I knew I wanted my own business and wanted to become a leader in the holistic health care
• I started my clinic right out of school and purchasing a second clinic within the first year
• A major life event caused me to look at the bigger picture
• I asked, who am I to want something bigger for myself. I was worried what others may think.
• I dreamt too small for myself {wow}
• Instead of hiding, I asked myself what more can I do.
• I am location independent and now choose to live in Vermont while supporting and coaching
other practitioners
• There is an epidemic, instead of reaching out for help, practitioners are closing their doors
• Without your success and leadership in this industry, we are in trouble
Tips on How to Make Money in Your Wellness Business
Get focused on what it is that you want. Business is personal, and you need to be clear on the
business model that fits your lifestyle.
Get clear on the one thing that you do really well for your clients. You cannot be everything to
everyone, so get clear on your super power.
Understand who you serve. Who are the people who want what you have to offer?
Show up, be present, visible and own your leadership in your community.