In the latest episode of my podcast, I quote Tony Robbins’ mentor Jim Rohn. He says, “Don't let your learning lead to knowledge, let your learning lead to action”. I can't stress the importance of this enough and that's what I want to talk about in this week's Maven Mini.

It's ingrained in us healers to be knowledge seekers. I'm addicted and I get shiny object syndrome all the time. At the end of the day though, it's all about what you do with that knowledge. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but if you take no action, it's simply useless.

You have to use your knowledge to conquer goals. If you want to make 100K a year, then you need to narrow your goal down per quarter, and then per month. And during those four weeks, how many clients do you need to see in order to realistically get there? It really does need to get that specific, that tactical, and that clear!

A lot of you - no, all of you are completely frozen, you're completely overwhelmed. You have so many things you want to achieve and all this knowledge to get out there, but you're scattered; and when you're scattered, nothing is getting done. You need to go back to what is the goal and be very intentional with how you are going to get there. When you do this, then every single day you're taking action, and chipping away at your goal.