Gavin Zuchlinski is the Founder of Acuity Scheduling for the last 11 years. Acuity is an online appointment scheduling software. He originally created the product for his mother who was just bombarded with client appointments the manual way. On today’s show, Gavin discusses the very human aspect to his tech business. Gavin is hyper customer-focused and whenever he has to bring more people on as his company grows, he feels slightly guilty! He believes a small company can best serve their customers and make that experience very personal.


Key Insights & Aha Moments:

*Don’t forget to join the free Facebook community!

*Gavin created Acuity for his mother, who is a massage therapist.

*What kind of things did Gavin ‘invent’ when he was a young child?

*Did Gavin grow up with a lot of ‘woo-woo’ in his life?

*Gavin’s product is the perfect product for a wellness practitioner.

*When did Gavin take the leap from having Acuity as a side hustle to making it a full-time job?

*Gavin was heavily into Buddhism when he was in high school and college and that has really influenced him on how he conducts his business.

*Gavin prides himself on having not just good customer service, but a good customer experience, as well, for his product.

*The Acuity social media page is filled with puppies and kittens.

*Fun fact: I have four cats.

*How did Gavin grow from geeky/tech guy to a leader?

*Gavin always has personal struggles when he hires new people. He wants to keep the company small and personal.

*Gavin has a special gift for Michelle’s audience!


Mentioned in This Episode:

Maven Inner Circle

Maven Facebook Group

Business Building Rockstars Show

Acuity Scheduling