What is Test Driven Development (TDD) and why is it so useful? Learn how to use TDD to speed up your software development.

What is Test Driven Development (TDD) and how can it speed up your software development? Clare Sudbery talks to Geepaw Hill about why he loves TDD so much and how he spreads that love to software teams all over the world.

Geepaw Hill became a professional computer programmer in 1980. Around twenty years ago he became an avid early-adopter of Extreme Programming (XP), and has been teaching XP techniques to software organisations all over the world ever since.

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Episode links: Ron Jeffries, Nyari Samushonga, We Think Code, Liz Keogh, Emily BacheJoe Rainsberger, James Grenning, Jim Shore, Alice Goldfuss on DevJourney, Geepaw on Twitter, Geepaw’s website.

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