This is a Solo Strides episode with Dr. AJ Cohen, talking about the reasons and motivations for running trail and ultra adventures and races.

"Tired, dehydrated, nauseous, feet hurt, legs hurt, fall down, get back up, bleeding, blurry vision. These are the things we feel as mountain-ultra runners shortly after every time we tie our laces and slip out onto those serene trails. What drives us to suffer at that intensity, go home, recover, and then crave it again the next morning?..."

From AJ: "I originally wrote this blog 7 years ago, but most of it is still true to this day. The only major thing different is that I have so many more running role models than I used to... including many women as well. I hope this blog resonates with all you listeners!"

Link to the original blog.

AJ's website at Up and Running Physical Therapy 

AJ's Instagram

Up and Running PT facebook page