Leading others isn’t easy, nor is it always a comfortable experience, hence not for the faint of heart. In today’s episode, podcast host, Laura Prisc, shares some insights about and one example of when a leader actively – but most likely unintentionally – undermines his or her position, perhaps because their insecurities have gotten the better of them.  

Laura’s Bio 

If you’re not already familiar with her and are curious about who Laura is, what she believes, and what she feels called to create in the world, take a few minutes to peruse her website, read her blog, and listen to the other podcast episodes posted there. www.lauraprisc.com 

You can also find her here: 
Schedule a complimentary consultation 

Laura by email 

Request a copy of her book – Are Your Leaders Wide Awake? 


On Facebook 

Leading others isn’t easy, nor is it always a comfortable experience, hence not for the faint of heart. In today’s episode, podcast host, Laura Prisc, shares some insights about and one example of when a leader actively – but most likely unintentionally – undermines his or her position, perhaps because their insecurities have gotten the better of them.  

Laura’s Bio 

If you’re not already familiar with her and are curious about who Laura is, what she believes, and what she feels called to create in the world, take a few minutes to peruse her website, read her blog, and listen to the other podcast episodes posted there. www.lauraprisc.com 

You can also find her here:  Schedule a complimentary consultation 

Laura by email 

Request a copy of her book – Are Your Leaders Wide Awake? 


On Facebook