One would think that wanting to offer solutions one’s client actually needs – rather than what the business thinks they should have – is the way business works, but we all know that’s not necessarily the case. So, when I stumbled across today’s guest, Max Kabat, and heard about his approach to business, I had to hear more. 

Max and his partner own and operate the goodDog agency, providing business strategy and support designed to help their clients get what they actually need, while being conscientious of their collective impact on people and planet. Their approach begins at the beginning – ensuring their clients are clear about the foundations of their business, what they are trying to create, and how to grow strategically based on where they are now. 

It’s not unusual these days for entrepreneurs to be involved in multiple business endeavors, and Max is one example of this. He and his wife, a documentarian and photojournalist, also own and operate The Sentinel, which is a multi-dimensional business, as well. The Sentinel produces two local newspapers, one in English and one in Spanish, covering the goings-on of the local Marfa, Texas, region, as well as providing the local perspective on stories from other areas – regional, national, and global. 

The Sentinel is also an eclectic gathering place and boutique. They serve coffee, cocktails, taco’s… and sell a variety of carefully curated items, including a custom blend of coffee they’ve developed in partnership with a small roaster from New Mexico. 

This conversation spans many thoughts, from storytelling to business, from what it means to build real relationships to why a local news source is important, and from why socially conscious purpose-driven businesses matter to how we can intentionally create space for creativity, collaboration, and innovation. 

Listen in as Max and Laura explore a lot of interesting themes and Max shares some really insightful data that will make you think differently about the news and business and the questions each of us should be asking… 

Max’s Bio

Max Kabat is co-founder of goodDog, which helps category creating, conscious consumer brands break through plateaus by realigning the business around one core concept and growth consumer. They call themselves Brand Idea Finders & Growth Engineers. With his documentary filmmaker wife he co-owns The Big Bend Sentinel newspaper and The Sentinel gathering space in Marfa, TX. A real-time experiment into how to evolve the business model of local, independent journalism with the community. 

Connect with Max: 


Max via email

Coffee, Cocktails, and The News