Most children do best with Toilet Learning (potty training) after the age of two because they are developmentally ready and are less likely to hold their pee and poop. When we work with a family on Toilet Learning one of our biggest assessments is the 9 signs of readiness.  This assessment tells us if your toddler is ready to start. 

Listen to today's episode to learn more about our two methods; Child Led and Parent Led and why one might be better for your little one. If you want to learn more and think your little one is  ready to start Toilet Learning join my Workshop Jan 3rd, 2021 online where I will go over the different methods, readiness assessment and how to get started. You will receive an E Book and a 30 minute one on one call with me after the workshop.  Let's work together! 

Email me at [email protected] to reserve your spot and/learn more.