Goal setting is an essential part of a successful business, after all if you haven’t set goals for your business how are you going to know if you’ve been successful or not! Despite this many business owners are not setting goals effectively so today we are going to cover some of the top ways of setting goals and why this is so important.

Today’s guest is Laura Russ who is a goal setting expert and your right hand woman for business planning and goal setting. She shares some of her knowledge on the value of effective goal setting and some practical advice on how to do this.

What You’ll Learn In This Episode

- The importance of goal setting in your business and being specific about the reasons for setting them, and methods you will use to reach your goals.

- How goal setting and visualisation are valuable for planning not only for success but also for overcoming challenges in your business.

- The psychology behind effective goal setting and how to shift your mindset for success.

- Where to start with goal setting, even if you are starting from a blank canvas.


- Find out more about Luara’s services on her website www.lauraruss.co.uk or connect with her on Instagram @laurarussstrategist
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