Joining me today is Lesley Thomas, founder of The Money Confidence Academy. Lesley helps both adults and children improve their financial literacy. Today we’re discussing how we can help children and young adults understand money and help shape their money mindset so they feel confident and empowered when it comes to finances.

What You’ll Learn In This Episode

- Lesley shares how to foster curiosity about money in children, how to get them interested in financial matters and give them the confidence to ask questions. 

- How we can become confident as adults to speak about money, mortgages, and budgeting to set an example for our children to follow. 

- We talk a lot about money in our house but both my boys have very different outlooks when it comes to their future finances. Lesley gives her top tips to help guide them in the right direction. 

- The practical ways to build a positive money mindset in children and the messages to reinforce to help them believe they can achieve financial security. 


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