Having a high-ticket product as part of your business is recommended but unfortunately, there are a lot of expensive services out there right now that simply don’t deliver in value.

This week I want to discuss how to create and deliver high-end luxury products with strategist, Deep Bajwa. Deep has many years of experience working in luxury weddings and has now brought her knowledge of the market to the online business space. 

Today we share how to add a truly VIP experience to your product suite. 

What You’ll Learn In This Episode 

- How to step up each stage of the customer journey to make a high-end offering that ensures a return on investment for your clients. 

- Why off-boarding is as crucial as onboarding and why people will always remember how you made them feel above everything else.

- The dangers of undercharging and how this scares away your ideal client. 

- Adding a luxury VIP offering to your business is for everyone but there’s much more to it than increasing the price of your standard product. 


- Stepping Onto Big Stages Masterclass 

- Connect with Deep on Instagram @deepbajwastrategist

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