I genuinely believe you can be body confident whatever your size and shape, but I know how it can knock your confidence when you don’t identify with your body as it is. 

Joining me to discuss how to get more body confident, without crash diets, is transformation specialist Emma McElhinney.

Emma works with perimenopausal women to combine nutrition, movement and lifestyle coaching empowering them to feel fabulous and fearless while experiencing hormonal changes.  

What You’ll Learn In This Episode; 

- How to add more movement into your day-to-day life and what Emma wishes more people knew about nutrition and fitness. 

- Food is a part of our culture and a key element to our hormone health. Emma shares how she works with clients to give them food freedom creating positive relationships rather than restricting foods. 

- Why Emma niched down to work with female business owners and the passion she has to help women with a multi-targeted approach to make long-term lifestyle changes. -

- Where to start if you want to improve your fitness and create positive habits from small changes that can be built up over time. 


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- Find all of Emma’s services at www.teamemw.com